Doug and Lila Groth
Fall 2015
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your prayer and financial support. Thanks for standing together with us so faithfully. We couldn’t do what we do without your help.
In all the struggles, we are grateful to the Lord for what He is doing in the Rabka church. Not long ago one of the women in the church returned from a 2 month ministry trip to the Middle East. She was in an area not far from where ISIS is active. Her main ministry was teaching English. She asks us to pray for two families that she stayed with. She was able to get to know them and talk with them about the Lord. Please pray that God will water the seed of His love and truth that was planted in their lives. Another encouraging thing is that we were able to raise $3,000. to put in a well in a very needy area in Africa. This is being done through a mission that we partner with. They are committed to sharing the “Good News” and ministering in practical ways in needy areas. Pray that God will enable and lead us to do more for His kingdom.
Some specific prayer requests;
–pray for the mission’s conference being organized in Warsaw October 16-18 by OM. George Verwer will be the main speaker. It will take place on the 50th anniversary of OM’s ministry in Poland. Pray that many young people will come. Pray that God will touch their hearts and lives for mission. Pray that God will speak to Lila and I about our future during that time.
–pray for the marriage conference we are planning in the Rabka church October 23 + 24. Pray for the speakers, Janusz and Asia. Pray that many couples will attend. Pray that God will strengthen, heal and build marriages. Pray that God will speak to the non-Christian couples about putting their trust in Him and His word.
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” (2Cor.4:16,17)
Doug and Lila Groth
32-434 Skomielna Biala
Nr. 623 POLAND
P.O. Box 2217
Monument, CO